Bubble Kush Automatic by Royal Queen seeds, 3 semi





  • THC: 16%
  • CBD: Low
  • Yield Indoor: 350 – 400 gr/m2
  • Yield Outdoor: 120-170 grams per plant dried
  • Height Indoor: 40 – 80 cm
  • Height Outdoor: 60 – 100 cm
  • Fioritura: 5-7 weeks
  • Mese di raccolto: 7-8 settimane dopo semina
  • Sfondo genetico: Bubble Gum x O.G. Kush x Critical Automatic
  • Tipo: Sa 10% In 60% Ru 30%
  • Effetto: Rilassante, sapore intenso

La Bubble Kush Automatica incorpora le migliori caratteristiche di tre eccellenti varietà: Bubble Gum (dagli inconfondibili sapori e odori dolciastri), OG Kush (dall’intenso e prolungato “high” e dalle rese elevate) e la Royal Critical Automatica (dalla crescita accelerata). Richiede solo 8-9 settimane dalla germinazione al raccolto. Rilassante e piena di sapore.


La Bubble Kush Automatica contiene tutte le migliori qualità di tre straordinarie varietà. La Royal Queen Seeds ha incrociato una OG Kush, caratterizzata dai suoi effetti intensi e prolungati, con una Bubble Gum, dai sapori e aromi unici per la dolcezza che sprigionano, e con una Royal Critical Automatica, una varietà dalla crescita accelerata. Questa è la scelta perfetta per tutti i coltivatori impazienti, alla ricerca di una varietà autofiorente in grado di offrire risultati rapidi e rese produttive accettabili.

La Bubble Kush Automatica non supera i 40-80cm d’altezza, per una pianta particolarmente indicata per coltivatori con problemi di spazio. Pur essendo una varietà piuttosto piccola, è possibile ottenere, in media, raccolti da 350-400g/m², in appena 8-9 settimane dalla germinazione. In coltivazioni outdoor, le piante mantengono altezze assolutamente discrete, senza superare i 60-100cm e, di conseguenza, ideale per le piantagioni “guerrilla”. All’aperto ci si possono aspettare raccolti da 120-170 grammi per pianta. Il 16% del raccolto è puro THC, accompagnato da un basso livello di CBD.

Essendo un ibrido a predominanza Indica (60%), che contiene solo una piccola percentuale di Sativa (10%, il restante 30% è Ruderalis), la Bubble Kush Automatica induce sensazioni piacevolmente euforiche ed un rilassamento fisico alquanto avvolgente, ma senza arrivare ad appesantire in uno stato letargico. Questa varietà ha un piacevole sapore dolce con delicate sfumature di terra, che potrebbero far venire l’acquolina in bocca ed aumentare l’appetito. Consumandone grandi quantitativi diventa una grande alleata per combattere l’insonnia.

Royal Queen Seeds – Bubble Kush Automatic

This is a meticulously designed strain that combines the best qualities of several different sativa, indica and ruderalis strains. The result is a one of a kind variety that provides for a suitably unique experience – even for seasoned smokers. These are some of the varieties that make up the genetics of this expertly developed strain.

This variety was bred to incorporate the best elements of 3 excellent strains to create a plant that is both easy to grow and presents a fantastic product. This strain has a pleasantly sweet taste with subtly earthy undertones and a strong, stony, positive high.
As far as growing is concerned, these seeds are autoflowering. Unlike traditional feminized seeds, such as traditional Bubba Kush and Bubble Kush Feminized seeds, with autoflowering seeds growers do not have to worry about making sure the plants get 12 hours of direct light a day. Thanks to the ruderalis elements of this strain’s genetics, these plants flower on their own within about five to seven weeks, just like other seeds such as Bubble Gum Automatic or Bubba Kush Automatic, both of which are similarly beloved by growers for yield and ease of growing.

When growing outdoors, Bubble Kush Automatic is ready for harvest in seven to eight weeks. Indoors, fully grown plants are 70 to 100 centimetres high, and outdoors the height ranges from 100 to 140 centimeters. Growers can expect a healthy yield of 120 to 170 grams per outdoor plant after drying.

Once harvested, this variety packs a wallop with 16 percent THC. The dominant effect reported with this strain is a sense of euphoria, with many users noting this variety’s usefulness for stress release. Since this cannabis is genetically 55 percent indica, typical incida effects are also present including increased appetite and physical relaxation. Some insomniacs find this strain useful as a sleep aid, but the well-rounded high does not leave users feeling overwhelmingly lethargic or drowsy.

These hardy seeds are ideal for growers who desire a fast growing and automatically flowering plant that does not require the same effort as more traditional feminized seeds. This hybrid strain is continuing to earn fans not only for its straightforward growing process but also its agreeable taste and robust effects.

THC: 15%
CBD: Low
Yield Indoor: 350-400gr m2
Yield Outdoor: 120-170 grams per plant dried
Height Indoor: 40 – 80 cm
Height Outdoor: 60 – 100 cm
Flowering time: 5-7 weeks
Harvest month: 8-9 weeks after sprouting
Genetic background: Bubble Gum x O.G. Kush x Critical Automatic
Type: Sativa: 10%; Indica: 60%; Ruderalis: 30%
Effect: Relaxing and full of flavour

User-Generated Strain-Profile

Known Phenotypes:
beta version – add an other phenotype
1.: short, compact, slowly blossoming, indica-dominant Phenotype #2
2.: long, stretched, slowly blossoming, sativa-dominant Phenotype

For this strain we got input by 3 user(s). Here a short overview:

Flowering Time Indoor: 73 – 96 days (~84 days)
Yield / Quantity Indoor: The crop of this strain is insane high and absolutely top yields.
General Impression Indoor: is all together extremely good and very recommendable.
Strength / Lasting Effect: The weed is strong and long lasting.
Votings of our users: Bubble Kush Automatic gets 9.00 of 10 possible Points in the average!

Strain Lineage / Genealogy